Romans 5:10 NIV, “For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”
According to Strong’s Concordance*, reconciled is the Greek word, “katallassō”, (G2644) and is defined as to return to favor with, be reconciled to one.
According to Romans, we were God’s enemy. Everything in us was hostile towards anything to do with God. This started with Adam and Eve and their disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden and it continues still.
God the Father always wanted a family. He built the perfect home and created the only thing ever made in His image; a man and a woman. This relationship was one of mutual trust and affection between God and man. There was only one rule to obey; everything in the garden was theirs to enjoy except for the fruit from one tree. Unfortunately, our first parents would defy God, becoming His enemy. Their betrayal cut off relationship between God and humankind seemingly forever.
God the Father and Jesus, His Son, made an agreement that this crisis would be resolved. Jesus would put aside His deity and be born into the human race. Jesus’ life on earth would demonstrate the Father’s love for His people. Then, Jesus would die on a cross as our substitute and be resurrected from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit. This would safeguard every person born on earth from being judged and condemned individually because of Adam and Eve’s act of treason.
If we accept Jesus’ selfless sacrifice as a gift to us then we can be reconciled with God the Father. This allows us to regain favor with the Father and enjoy a wonderful personal relationship with Him.
Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified and paid the penalty of treason on our behalf. He did it so we wouldn’t be damned to hell and separated from God the Father forever. If we believe with our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God and say that Jesus rose from the dead, then we too will be saved from separation from God and be reconciled with Him forever.
Pray it:
Father, thank you for loving me even though I was your enemy. Thank you for sending Your Son, Jesus, to take my place on that cross for my sins, for my punishment. I thank You that Jesus rose from the dead and I can now have favor with God. I receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior and now I am reconciled with You forever. I love You and I will live for you all the days of my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Say it:
I am no longer an enemy with God.
Jesus died on the cross for my sins.
Jesus rose from the dead.
I now receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
I have been reconciled to God and have favor with Him.
God is now my Father.
I am a child of God.
© 2019