Advent Part 1- King Herod
Matthew 2:1
Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod.
Dear Readers,
Advent is here! It is an honor to walk through Advent with you as we prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Lord. We hope this series is a blessing to you.
Let’s set the stage
It is approximately 4000 years after Adam and Eve, and approximately 3000 years after Noah and The Great Flood. Much history as passed in this Mesopotamian Basin. Moses had delivered the Israelites from Egypt, judges had ruled the land, and kings reigned on the thrones of Israel and Judah. Through it all, God’s voice still resonated there and His mighty power continued to be displayed on behalf of His people.
However, for the last 400 years, the voice of God was silent and seemingly heavenly activity ceased to exist. Unknown to those who lived at the time, they were about to step into a new era marked by the birth of the Son of God.
The question we will ask today is, can evil people and dangerous circumstances interfere with
God’s plans?
Introducing King Herod the Great
Judea (present day Israel) was ruled by King Herod the Great, a vassal king who answered directly to the Roman Emperor Augustus (1). Herod was subject to Roman rule and supported the interests of Roman benefactors who supplied him with wealth and influence (1). Roman rules and regulations affected Judean lives in matters of government, religion, and lifestyle (2). Heavy taxes were imposed upon the people due to the construction of magnificent buildings and fortresses throughout the Kingdom (1).
Herod was an extremely religious person and his crowning glory was the restoration and expansion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (Solomon’s Temple rebuilt and enlarged) (1). The priests performed their religious duties to the Hebrew God at the Temple, but the majority of them were corrupt and served at the pleasure of King Herod. Their duties included the supervision of religious rules, rituals, and tenets. They also acted as rulers and judges. Many of the priests preserved their positions by remaining in favor with Herod and advancing the agenda of Rome (3).
Herod was a ruthless man and maintained his position by killing all who were opposed to his rule. Not even family members were safe. His first wife and child were banished and his second wife and their two sons were executed (1&4). In the 2nd chapter of Matthew, there is a record of Herod encountering wise men from the East searching to worship the newborn King of the Jews. Suspicious and filled with jealousy, Herod attempted to find the child that threatened his kingship. Unable to do so, Herod ordered the slaughter of all the male children under the age of two in the district of Bethlehem.
How could God consider this era, under these conditions, with such unscrupulous leaders to be the perfect timing for Jesus to be born?
God determined that the Roman Empire would be in power and Herod the Great would be king at the time of Jesus’ birth. Jesus was divinely protected when Herod tried to destroy Him. God’s plans are never manipulated or influenced by other factors. His timing stands alone.
Let’s Pray:
Nothing stands in Your way. People and circumstances, no matter how adverse, will not get in the way of Your destiny for me. Just as You sent Jesus on the earth in Your perfect timing, all of Your plans for my life will happen in Your perfect timing. My trust is in You. In Jesus name, Amen.