Advent Part 2- Zechariah
Luke 1:8-13
One day Zechariah was serving God in the Temple, for his order was on duty that week. As was the custom of the priests, he was chosen by lot to enter the sanctuary of the Lord and burn incense. While the incense was being burned, a great crowd stood outside, praying. While Zechariah was in the sanctuary, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the incense altar. Zechariah was shaken and overwhelmed with fear when he saw him. But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid, Zechariah! God has heard your prayer. Your wife, Elizabeth will give you a son, and you are to name him John.”
This is the second of nine blogs of our Advent series and today we will focus on Zechariah, who was the father of John the Baptist.
The question we will ask today is, why doesn’t God answer our prayers the way we expect?
15 months before the birth of Jesus
This is the incident that triggered a series of world changing supernatural events. The day begins at the Second Temple of Herod in Jerusalem. We’re introduced to Zechariah, whose name means “remembered by Jehovah” (1). The scriptures describe him as a righteous man (Luke 1:6), an elderly man (Luke 1:7), and a priest (Luke 1:5). He is married to Elizabeth, whose name means “promise of God” (2). They both were descendants from the tribe of Aaron, the lineage of the priesthood.
God Directs Our Steps
Burning of the incense was the most cherished of all priestly duties and a “once in a lifetime” honor. So, the priests would entrust God to choose who would perform this sacred duty by the casting of lots (3). This day, the lot fell on Zechariah.
Prayers, Past and Present, are not Forgotten
Specially formulated aromatic incense was offered on the Golden Altar of Incense. The smoldering incense reminded God of all the prayers of His people (Psalm 141:2; Rev 8:3). The prayers of the saints from the distant past culminated with the prayers of Zechariah and the saints presently outside the Temple, and God dispatched an angel to give Zechariah a message.
Prayer Triggers Angelic Activity
As Zechariah burned incense, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him on the right side of the altar. The right side was where the prominent associates of God were postured (Luke 1:19- I stand in the presence of God) (5). As a priest, Zechariah would have known and understood this position (4).
Prayers Make the Impossible, Possible
Decades before, Zechariah prayed a specific request. He wanted a son. Although he was too old for such a possibility, Gabriel gave him the astounding news that his prayer was heard and about to be answered.
Messages from God Prepare Us for What’s Ahead
Gabriel prepares Zechariah for what is about to occur in his life, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Like Abraham and Sarah before them, both Zechariah and Elizabeth were past childbearing years. This angelic message prepared them for their future roles and responsibilities. Passion will reignite once again between husband and wife. Resurrection power will rejuvenate their bodies making them capable to conceive and bear this son. Wounds caused by the shame of barreness would be removed and healed. And most importantly of all, Gabriel revealed God’s will for Zechariah and Elizabeth so they would stand in faith and experience the manifestation of this promise.
God Answers the Prayers that He Placed in Our Hearts
Although Zechariah may not have realized it at the time, it was God Who imparted such an intense desire in him to pray for a son. When God ignites the yearning He places in our hearts, we are to pray this desire back to Him. This is how God answers prayers and moves His plans for our lives, forward. God knows all things and He wrote out each of our particular destinies before the world began ( 1 Cor. 13:12; Ps 139).
God’s Extraordinary Answer to Zechariah’s Prayer
Zechariah and Elizabeth named their son John, which means “Jehovah is a gracious giver” (5). A younger Zechariah and Elizabeth desired a son to carry their legacy. But God had a bigger purpose. He chose them to miraculously parent a son that would prepare the people of Israel for the coming of the Messiah, His Son, Jesus.
Let’s Pray:
Just like Zechariah I have prayed desires that You have placed in my heart. And just like Zechariah, I have yet to see the answers. But, Your plan and purposes for Zechariah was bigger than he could ever imagine. And Your plan and purposes for me is bigger than I could ever imagine. I thank You Father for remembering me. I thank You for keeping Your promises. You are a gracious giver. In Jesus name, Amen.