Genesis 15:1, 2a,&8, NLT,
Some time later, the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, “Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great.
But Abram replied, “O Sovereign LORD, what good are all your blessings when I don’t even have a son?
But Abram replied, “O Sovereign LORD, how can I be sure that I will actually possess it (the land God promised to him)?” (parenthesis added)
Today we're starting a new series about how God sees us. Relationship is a two way street and it is important to understand how God perceives us. In this series, we will examine how God relates to Abram because it gives us insight into how God relates to us on a personal level.
For this entire chapter, God talks to Abram about his future, and the future of his descendants. It isn’t all rosy but there is always victory in the end. God strengthens Abram with knowledge and with faith. Knowledge gives us discernment of motives and a plan to move forward. Faith gives us confidence in God’s Word and causes us to rely on His character.
God sees us as someone with legitimate concerns
This conversation happened shortly before Ishmael was conceived. It was years after Abram’s amazing victory over the Kings of Canaan. Here we find Abram analyzing his current situation. Lot has his own household and he still doesn’t have an heir to leave his wealth, riches and blessings.
Abram was consumed with fear. He had lived among hostile foreigners, angered a world ruler, and fears that there will be more dangerous conflicts in the future. But, his two greatest fears were that he was incapable of producing an heir and possessing the land God promised him. A servant and not a son would inherit all the wealth he had accumulated. What would happen to his empire that he built for the Lord? Would the peace treaties and alliances that he had made with the surrounding tribes continue to hold? Obviously, Abram discussed these fears with God that weighed so heavily on his mind.
Be transparent with God
God responded to Abram in a vision, and Abram was transparent with God. They had a history and God had proven to be his safe place. Likewise, God recognized that Abram’s concerns were legitimate and He didn’t give Abram false hopes or a tongue lashing. The very first thing God personally addressed was Abram’s fear.
God is our shield
God told Abram not to be afraid because He would protect him. The King James says that God told Abram that He was his shield. All Abram had to do was hold on to that shield of faith because God Himself would protect him from every blow. WOW!
As we read in previous chapters in Genesis, God shielded Abram’s physical well being as well as everyone and everything that belonged to him. In Genesis 15, God shielded Abram’s emotional well being with powerful and beautiful gestures which we will address later.
God is relational
Furthermore, God told Abram that his reward would be great. God is not a taskmaster. He doesn’t whip us into submission and knock us on the head until we get it. Like Abram, we need to be honest with Him at all times. He has proven over and over again what a reassuring and encouraging Heavenly Father He is. God is our safe place.
Hebrews 10:35 NIV, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.”
Let's Pray:
there’s no point in pretending with You. You already know what’s in my heart of hearts anyway. You know me better than I know myself. When I have fears and concerns, I will take them to You. I thank You for the incredible examples of Your love and encouragement recorded in the Bible. More so, I thank You for the love and encouragement You have shown me in the past and You will always show me until I leave this earth. You are my place of safety and I trust You with my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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