Harvest Part 2
Exodus 34:21
You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must stop working, even during the seasons of plowing and harvest.
God is speaking to Moses and He is instituting the Sabbath for the new nation of Israel. In the original Hebrew, the word sabbath (shabath) is used twice in this sentence. Sabbath means to stop work, rest, and celebrate (1). It is a day set aside for worshiping God, teaching of the Word of God, and celebrating His goodness as a congregation.
Harvest time is the busiest time of the year. Crops are gathered, processed, and stored to provide food over the winter months. God is so serious about His people taking a sabbath, that He emphasizes that they are to rest even during the harvest season. In doing so, we are reminded that God is more important than even the preparations needed for winter, when hardly any food is available.
Americans are known for being workaholics. It is not unusual for our stores to be open for the holidays. In fact, some holidays are famous for their big blow out sales and workers are paid time and a half. This is not in our best interest. When we go full speed all day, everyday, we wear out our bodies much faster and emotionally burn out. It is imperative for us to keep the sabbath. Balance is key and when we are overworked we are unhealthy, tired, and spiritually depleted. Most importantly of all, nothing should replace God. In all things, He must always be our first priority.
God wants us to remember that He is our provider and He will take care of us. Especially during the busiest times of our lives, we must stop what we are doing and give God first place.
That’s what harvest means in this verse.
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1) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H7673&t=KJV