Father Part 1
Genesis 5:3
When Adam was 130 years old, he became the father of a son who was just like him—in his very image. He named his son Seth.
Adam, the first man made from the clay of the earth, became the biological father of Seth. Seth means ‘compensation' a repayment for the two other sons that he lost (1). We all know the tragic story of Cain and Abel. This time, Adam was going to do it right and be the father he was created to be. Adam made sure that Seth never left his side. They were always interacting. They played together, worked together, prayed together and worshiped together. Seth picked up all the mannerisms, attitudes, behavior patterns, and mental processes of his father. Whatever was important to Adam was important to Seth, especially in the area of loving God. He was just like him, the spittin’ image!
That’s how God wants us to be. He wants us to always interact with Him and pick up His attributes. He wants us to be the spittin’ image just like Jesus was the very image of His Father when He walked this earth.
A side note, Adam was 130 years old when he fathered Seth. One hundred is the completion of a cycle and 30 means extreme unity. Adam began a new cycle in life when Seth was born. Most importantly, he united himself with God and with Eve so that Seth would fully mature and walk out this destiny. It was because of Seth’s son that the people started to call out to God by Name. Seth’s descendants knew and worshiped God on a very personal level. Adam raised his son successfully.
That’s what father means in this verse.
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1) https://www.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H8352&t=KJV