Leaves Part 1
Genesis 3:7 NLT
At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves.
Adam and Eve had just committed the original sin, they wanted to exalt themselves above God by determining their own standards of good and evil. Consequently, this was their first experience with the emotion of shame. The intention of their hearts was exposed for all to see. The glory of God that once enveloped their physical bodies was gone.
The fig tree has rather large leaves. Adam and Eve had never slaughtered an animal or tanned their hides. They haven’t processed any of the plants to create fibers that would produce material. It wasn’t needed, until now. Poking holes in the leaves and threading them together, they created a rather flimsy garment to hide their guilt.
God looked for them in the garden and addressed their situation. With great sorrow, He informed them of the consequences of actions. Compassionately, God restored their self respect by slaughtering an animal to make clothes of skin. Because of His great love for them, God banished them from the garden so they wouldn’t remain in an eternal state of sin and under it's horrific curse.
When we see the fig tree and it's large waving leaves, we are reminded of God’s unconditional love for us. True love covers our vulnerabilities and always does what is best for others, especially in difficult and seemingly impossible circumstances.
That what leaves mean in this verse.
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