Summer Part 1
Genesis 8:22 NLT
“As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night.”
Let’s put this verse in context. Noah and his family survived the worldwide flood and the ground was dry enough to exit the ark. Spanning the terrain, it struck Noah and his family that they were the only people left on this entire earth. They must have been terrified! Miles and miles of silt, sewage, rotting vegetation and flesh covered the landscape. Can you imagine what Noah was thinking and feeling after such a traumatic event?
“Is this going to happen again?”
“If it does, will we survive the next round?”
“I don’t know if I can do this again!”
As soon as everyone emptied out of the ark, Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices. The sweet aroma reached God’s nostrils and He made a promise to Himself and to Noah. Never again will there be a worldwide flood. Never again will this sphere be flushed out and purged. From that day until the end of time, this planet will remain populated with vegetation, animals, and people. Earth will continually rotate on its axis and orbit the sun. It’s inhabitants will experience the cycle of a 24 hour day, the transition of seasons, and the global wind patterns that determine hot and cold climates. Everyone and everything will enjoy the benefits of the earth and its bounty.
Summer here refers to the season of summer. We can plan, participate, and enjoy summer activities because God has promised summer will always come until the end of time.
That’s what summer means in this verse.
© 2019