Mother Part 5
Mark 3:35 NLT
"Anyone who does God's will is my brother and sister and mother.”
Let’s look at the context of this verse. In verse 21, Jesus’ family heard about what was happening in His ministry. What was He doing? Verse 22 showed that the teachers of religious law verified that Jesus was casting out demons! Because of overwhelming evidence, there could be no dispute on the matter. In order to defame Jesus, they misrepresented His character. In total agreement, they decided that His miraculous power was given to Him by Satan.
Hearing the malicious rumor, Jesus came face to face with the teachers of the law and publicly tore apart their logic.
Mark 3:23-26 NLT,
Jesus called them over and responded with an illustration. “How can Satan cast out Satan?” he asked. “A kingdom divided by civil war will collapse. Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart. And if Satan is divided and fights against himself, how can he stand? He would never survive.”
This is the report that reached the ears of Jesus’ mother and brothers. In order to avoid discord with the religious community, the family decided to take matters into their own hands and stop this nonsense. Someone in the crowd spotted them and brought it to Jesus’ attention.
Operating in the Word of knowledge, He knew what they were going to say. Operating in the Word of Wisdom, He avoided speaking to them. That’s when Jesus made this profound statement,
“Anyone who does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”
Allow me to paraphrase. The blood of God’s covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Jesus avoided His family because they were not united in purpose concerning His Father’s will for Him. He had to unite Himself with others who were in alignment with God’s will. The relationship with a spiritual mother can be stronger and more binding than one with a biological mother.
That’s what mother means in this verse.
© 2019